joi, 27 februarie 2014

Nozioni elementari sullo stile del calendario

Un tema spesso affrontato nella pubblicistica moldava e, purtroppo, molte volte trascurato dalle autorità ecclesiastiche sulla sponda destra del Prut, è quello delle differenze relative alla celebrazione delle feste religiose. Cerchiamo qui di seguito, in breve, di chiarire alcuni aspetti di questo problema che non sono state, a nostro avviso, spiegate a sufficienza.

Che significato ha il calendario ecclesiastico?

Il termine calendario deriva dal latino kalendae – dal verbo greco che significa chiamare, convocare. Nei tempi antichi la parola designava i giorni in cui i cittadini romani erano chiamati ad alcuni incontri pubblici all’interno del foro, dove prendevano atto di fatto di interesse pubblico. In senso religioso, il calendario denota i periodi di tempo in cui le persone sono invitate a comunicare con Dio – il Creatore del mondo. Questi periodi di tempo sono stati e sono calcolati con rigorosi criteri scritturali e astronomici.

duminică, 2 februarie 2014


Alteration of the future – malefic impact on the young people of Moldova
(See part I)

Mankurtism is not limited only by the nefarious practices of lawbreakers. It stretches its sticky tentacles beyond the boundaries of all reasonable expectation infecting and eroding not only the memory of our nation that is its antecedents but also the future being built by the young generation through the education.

The new school year is approaching. Problems created by the introduction of so - called subjects as „Istoria Integrata” (“Integrated History”) or „Deprinderi de Viaţă” (“Life – Skills”) to school curriculum and program of study are still fresh in students’ as well as teachers’ memory. Our dearest governors as well as parliamentarists created an abyss between them and the rest of the existent world. This is abundantly proved by their persistent contribution with respect to the introduction of the so – called school subjects. As it was observed, opposition among teachers and students on the one part and the responsibilities in the administration of METS (Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports) on the other part had attempted successfully to influence the results of the final exams. Who was to suffer? Victims of the bureaucratic revenge were the same students who had experienced aberrant changes in the timetable and the subject of the lessons during their studies in the course of the year.