duminică, 2 februarie 2014


Alteration of the future – malefic impact on the young people of Moldova
(See part I)

Mankurtism is not limited only by the nefarious practices of lawbreakers. It stretches its sticky tentacles beyond the boundaries of all reasonable expectation infecting and eroding not only the memory of our nation that is its antecedents but also the future being built by the young generation through the education.

The new school year is approaching. Problems created by the introduction of so - called subjects as „Istoria Integrata” (“Integrated History”) or „Deprinderi de Viaţă” (“Life – Skills”) to school curriculum and program of study are still fresh in students’ as well as teachers’ memory. Our dearest governors as well as parliamentarists created an abyss between them and the rest of the existent world. This is abundantly proved by their persistent contribution with respect to the introduction of the so – called school subjects. As it was observed, opposition among teachers and students on the one part and the responsibilities in the administration of METS (Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports) on the other part had attempted successfully to influence the results of the final exams. Who was to suffer? Victims of the bureaucratic revenge were the same students who had experienced aberrant changes in the timetable and the subject of the lessons during their studies in the course of the year.
Architects of the new educational subjects began imposing some changes without bearing any responsibility for what is written in those books. Hidden behind the motto for implementation of the multilateral education they contributed to introduction of the new subjects without taking into account pedagogical as well as ethical norms and values. First of all, they contributed to overloading of program of study adding some additional hours to different subjects. As a result High School students had 7 – 8 lessons a day. Secondly, confusion and indignation among overloaded students made the administration resort to the other subterfuge: analytical programs of the most important subjects such as „Limba şi Literatura Română” (“The Romanian Language and Literature”) or „Istoria Românilor” (“Romanian’s History”) were undergone the process of rough simplification and modification. Thirdly, responsibilities took a step towards substitution of undoubtedly necessary subjects by some other motivating their decision by the necessity to experiment; „Drept” (“The Law”) was substituted by „Educaţia Civică” (“The Civic Education”) and „Religia” (“The Religion”) by „Deprinderi de viaţă”. Necessity of the introduction of “Religia” could be explained by constantly growing amount of young people and children attending church.

Current changes in the Moldovan education did not remain unnoticed and had certain consequences. Manifestation of the students studying at the „Gheorghe Asachi” High School taken place in front of the school serves as the ostensive proof and the most eloquent evidence. Student’s reaction can be characterized not only by a simple change of the High School title from „Romanian - French” into „Moldavian - French” but also by their negative attitude towards leader’s totally deficient politics explicitly mentioned in the address towards “Christian” democratic fraction formerly defending the interests of the autochthon Romanians.

Ocultismul in cimitirEvery organism attacked by a certain pathogenic agent cultures its own cells preventing the occurrence or spread of disease. The same can be said about the world surrounding us: customs and traditions left us by our fore grand fathers to be observed are undergone erosion and loose their balance in assuring so necessary especially today peace and security around nation’s tradition in case the latter mentioned is usurped.

Nobody knows about new possible surprises our state governors prepared for us on the threshold of the new school year. But we are aware of the characteristic features and the possibilities of the typical bureaucratic opacity manipulating and moving the minds of the monsters residing beyond the walls of the respective ministry to render new decisions and instructions one more absurd the other. The purpose of the changes is to grasp the people’s mind and to destabilize the created situation. Using impudently imposed so – called new “necessary” reform assistance with the wrong approach can worsen rather than help the entire situation. Artificially imposed social system can transform us into slaves.

Who said the Church is being attacked?

Not only the priests or a person working on the territory of the ecclesiastic edifice but also everyone who declares one to be the mere member of the orthodox community respecting the inherited Truth, that is religious orthodox tradition, is considered to be the humble servant forming the backbone of a church. Tentative of a certain occult force to intrude upon human collective memory and thus change its attitude towards the actual reality represents the attempt on the society’s whole spiritual life. If you delve deeper into the history you will observe the same actions always ended sorrowfully for the humanity. Remember two world wars or mass deportations – the result of people’s attitude toward God. They ought not to have turned their back on Him.

Political, economical or cultural actions taken at the state level have an indirect more and more negative repercussion on the religious life in the country. Standing at a declarative level they have positive ending though their aim not always obtains the convergence. No one is to blame for such posture of affairs. The difficulty lies in the fact that everyone reconciles one to slavery. People do not express their solidarity to live according to one and the same tradition standard making themselves vulnerable in front of the illegal intruders.

Holding and spreading of different opinions within the boundaries of one and the same state is not abnormal, but ethical principles and   moral rules should be respected and be the same for all the people. Unfortunately, our case is completely different: it seems the new pseudo – religious denomination protecting “the human rights” is tending to conquer our land under pretext of offering juridical freedom without taking into account the presence of the possible risk of ideology imposed by the movements under discussion.

Any inter - human relationship of a civilized society is based on the ethical principles and moral rules constituting the core requirements necessary to survive. Many other communities appear in the situation above mentioned rules are not respected. We are now, otherwise, confronted with diametrically opposed policies of peaceful coexistence. Some of the policies appeared as response to inadequate politics and are characterized as conservative often resorting to radical reactions as the result of common popular conscientiousness. Other movements accumulate many philosophical trends heterogeneous in their essence veiled with people friendly and good at first sight intentions and purposes. Noxiousness of the latter is determined by the “crop you reap” as our Redeemer says.

Different movements intending to have more effective sphere of influence develop a habit of wiping and destroying any memory of people in the society. School education is being distorted in a way that the young generation does not understand anything: the difference between the good, the bad and the ugly.

Both collective memory and good education brought forward to stand as guarantors of more or less stable society support those ethical principles, moral and religious rules which should be protected in their turn by the state's internal system.  From the religious view point Church becomes a simple „civic-social” or „ethnographic” institution if above mentioned rules and principles are not respected. Church becomes inert institution incapable of stretching out a helping hand to anyone.

Author: Mihai Dohot

Translated by: Eduard Rotaru

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