vineri, 10 ianuarie 2014

”Christian values” in Moldovan mass-media


Even if in the dictionary more than 17 explanations of the term „value” are indicated, as religious word, most of the times, we can not find a suitable explanation.  Such things can be explained very easily if to take into account the Church teaching about the end of time, end of world.

Unfortunately, as it can be seen, there is predominance of economical values. The negative influence of this is mainly on morality of our contemporary people, followed by the so-called “generally-human”, with the Christian values left at the last level. Even the 2 last shall make only one; there is a tendency to make difference between them, especially, in the intellectual circles. Such differences are proliferated into society by mass-media. So, now, it is difficult for the people to choose among the values that are truly positive and non-value.  By this mean, in our country, and also in the world is noticed an acute devaluation of spiritual goods, a fact that leads to disappearance of this goods.
Discrepancy between authentic religious meaning and actual pseudo spiritual of term “value” is huge. Still From the first sin human being could not make independently a qualitative distinction between good and bad. This capacity disappeared while human being headed into the darkness of sin. Examples of this kind are present in the life of each person. So, the Church through holy liturgy served day by day urge to follow the teachings left to holy fathers by Our Lord Jesus Christ, who said about himself: “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me. No one comes to my father but through Me. If you had known Me, you would have known My Father also; and from now on you know Him and have seen Him.” (John  14: 6-7)

For a prophan is impossible to understand distinction between general-Human values and Christian values. First, because both of these (values) need analyze and thorough explanation. Second, it is a hardship to make an atheist to believe in the live after death or to make him understand that it is distinction between economical (material) value and Christian (spiritual) one.

For the worst thing is, even if they would know formally what Christianity is will not be able to live Orthodoxy as this was left by Savior to His followers and through them – us. This is because they lack the most important – true faith in God.

Faith is the most value which carries a human. This is said in Gospel by Savior Himself, calling to the blind: “Get up on your feet! Go, your fight has healed you”. Immediately he received his sight and followed Jesus along the road.   (Mark 10: 49-52). Through faith human acquire the power to be saved. It is the only human value that generates Christian virtues from which result charismas (spiritual gift given to the chosen ones). Only following Jesus human can gain this value.

On the other side, general human values are called “traits of acts, ideas, phenomenon which correspond the social necessities and ideals generated by those”. As examples are: “economy family culture, faith, friends, science, country, peace, happiness…”. But, us we can see, these are only human bald perceptions used as for demagogy that are very far from the religious concepts (that means closeness to God).

Christian values may be exemplified and explained only through the process of saving of the goods called “general–human” by the means that each human can save himself through those. The mission of saving these goods in the IT era, comes on the side of mass-media: press, radio, TV etc.

Unfortunately, the Christian values have been removed from the soul of human through different means used by the same media. Press from Moldova, doesn’t matter if represents the ruling party or the political opposition, keep the same anti-Christian orientation, as we can see from the following.


To make ourselves well understandable, we consulted the most multiplied newspapers from the country, starting on Easter till present moment. The title of these newspapers and the authors are not considered because of the simple motive that a permanent reader will easily understand whom do we mean.

The only weekly newspaper that reminds a tentative to keep a column dedicated to religion matters (issuing such colon once in 3-4 weeks), always is full of other articles that will call to exactly contrary (or better said, would force him) to choose the contrary of those presented in the column. For example, after the article “Passions that give life: Forerunning events”, further we read “European integration, step by step” on the next page. Before the religion column we can see how is determined what height have “comrades of Jesus” (angels) and on the same page next to editorial is explained to us “the refuse to subscribe this newspaper is “a big sin”.

In the same newspaper, before the Easter of Gentles (people that pass away), after consulting “the astrology of the presidents” (column “Inedit”), on page 20 it is find that is enough “to see Sapinta (Săpînţa) and to die” (what is actually swear on our ancestors faith).

After analyzing in the issue of May 13th, what problems confronts Condrita and Capriana monasteries, in the next issue we (stupefied) find that “Orheiul Vachi” is not else than “an archeological reservation” from rayon Orhei, which is 60 km away from the capital-city”.   On page 19th it is explained how is done “purifying by doina” (national song) and more exactly “unifying the Dacian depth of Romanian spirituality with the largeness of German classicism, with perfume of French modernism, DonQuihote-ism of Spanish globalism, the religious Italian carnival, Mediterranean dichotomies of Greeks and Anglo-Saxon technological pragmatism”. So, that ‘s why it is not surprising  that for those who accept such articles “The Shoulder of God” is present even in a football match.    

On the editorial page on 27th of May, the author of article “the emptiness that swallows us” criticizes the Orthodox Church and does not take care of the “emptiness” that provokes the vulgar image („Boonika”…) placed next to the article, inappropriate to the approached matter. The author of religious column should rather to discus the combating the cult of ugliness from this newspaper and after to fight the “cult of navel and nakedness” exposed, also, in the images placed on the following pages. Especially is remarkable in each issued newspaper the picture (priory being exposed on an entire page) of a largely open mouth with a miniature –microphone stabbed into the tongue.  The image itself is an exact illustration of the “emptiness that swallows us” which can not be expressed by words.


Another well known newspaper, after wishing “A happy Easter!”, says in a similar way as the previous newspaper: “I killed you, pardon!” (in French – sorry) . in the same issue we see “An old custom” (dyeing (penmanship) of Easter eggs) is a “perfect” combination with “The history and the significance of tattooing”, especially in the image presented for the first article (the dragon on the clothing). By the other side, while on page 4th is the “Memorial of pain” on the next few pages we can see articles about “the stars that received Eucharist”.   Also an indirect sacrilege addressed to our ancestors.

In the next newspaper issued on the eve of The Easter of Gentles, in the column dedicated to this observance it is concluded: “we don’t know if we hold the right to shake God taking from the chest, who considers that so is right”. We may understand this person, since they, in the same issue, proliferate Rerih Center (international occult movement) to whom they dedicate an entire paragraph on the page before last one.

In another issue, on page 10th, the author of article “Orthodox Church and …European integration” draws some aberrant conclusions. He says: “under the large skirt of God is … the moment… when victims to shake hands with their executioners, traitors with those who are courageous, and the “scarlet” communists with “green” anti-communists. According to him “the anointed of Lord on earth” (an expression used many times in the Books of Kings and generally in Holy Gospel) is only a sort of “spectacular suggestion … from Middle Age!” “Such a bigot clownery” does not have anything in common with the authentic religious feeling, either with democracy”, declares the author, going astray.  A simple reader may ask: what have in common the authentic religious feeling with so-called American “democracy” which is forced through revolutions and “flash wars” with tens of thousands of victims.

 Further on the author writes that priests – “knights of cassock”, have an attitude of temporal detachment (as best, usually worst) and continue – in ill-fated eastern tradition”… and an “Easter sermon  - gives to the author – most often a feeling of embarrassment”.  “The appearance of priests at pulpit – for the same pretended analyst – is a badly played presentation, a meeting of collective “brain-washing”… to get a chance in Moldova, the European integration should be translated, also, in religious terms”.

After such conclusions “touching the matter and passing it through a filter of a less pious lecture”, even a person who knows less on scientific themes may understand that the author does not know about the faith of his ancestors, either about the result of “brain-washing” himself propagate.

In the next issue in the article “Churches for all Romanians” is affronted the Holy Canons through the fact that is referring to an official foreign body that “financially supports the works done for building few Romanian churches around Romania… among which is The Church Saint Apostle Andrei from Durlesti”. More, those who publish such articles are responsible of disseminating a very noxious heresy (filetism) and are put under anathema through Synod from Constantinople (1872).

Commenting this article (“Orthodox Church and …European integration”) in the next newspaper, the author of column “Spiritual life” notice: “On the background of some exterior understanding of faith, taking into account the decrease of our clerk, (the author) risks to mistreat and consider superficially as “ill-fated eastern tradition” or “local custom”, problems that are connected to the disastrous inheritance of communism. But continue, criticizing clerks: “It is not guilt of the laic people, but priests with the cross in their hands are guilty that share the “holy fire” through the hands of atheist communists. Metropolitan Vladimir knows that this is a sin against the Holy Spirit that is not forgiven”.

As the situation is not enough confusing , the author says in the down page: “Only Jesus may judge the sincerity of His servants” comes into contradiction  with the attempt failing to recover the situation: “each Basarabian Christian who learned to behave in the Holy church, knows that a Christian does not hold the right to say disgraceful words on the priest, to judge him, there is an hierarchy established 2000 years ago. One who hates all the things that happens in the orthodox church simply belongs to unother confesion and may leave with God!” and without any connection she (the author) passes to Eurovision, saying what she liked the most.  It looks like Eurovision is a nucleus of disseminating the Christian values if it is to refer to the title of the column “The spiritual life”.

At the correct question: “how much the miracles change our life?  it is given a strange answer: if to consider the miracles as individual occurrence one may not find any answer, says Isakov. To distinguish the facts of coincidence behind the miraculous survivals, events may be analyzed through the statistical mathematics, says the Russian researcher.  So, we shall leave the faith aside and proceed to study of statistics for to figure out the solution of producing a miracle in our life.  if we do not consider the miracles as individual occurrence, we get to receive the answer of Abraham from parable of the rich man and beggar  Lazarus: “If they do not listen to Moses and the Prophets, they will not be convinced even if someone rises from the dead’.” (Luke 16:31)  

To be continued…

Dohot Mihai

Translated from Romanian by Natalia Melnicenco

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