vineri, 10 ianuarie 2014

”Christian values” in Moldovan mass-media


Even if in the dictionary more than 17 explanations of the term „value” are indicated, as religious word, most of the times, we can not find a suitable explanation.  Such things can be explained very easily if to take into account the Church teaching about the end of time, end of world.

Unfortunately, as it can be seen, there is predominance of economical values. The negative influence of this is mainly on morality of our contemporary people, followed by the so-called “generally-human”, with the Christian values left at the last level. Even the 2 last shall make only one; there is a tendency to make difference between them, especially, in the intellectual circles. Such differences are proliferated into society by mass-media. So, now, it is difficult for the people to choose among the values that are truly positive and non-value.  By this mean, in our country, and also in the world is noticed an acute devaluation of spiritual goods, a fact that leads to disappearance of this goods.