vineri, 15 februarie 2013

Valentine’s Day - neopaganism dimmed-out in Christian Tradition

Once the Soviet Union broke apart in the former communist countries imported some feasts from West, without knowing their real significance.

In Ancient Rome, February 14th was a holiday to honor Juno, Queen of the Roman Gods and Goddesses, the same day that had been devoted to love lotteries. During these times boys and girls were segregated. The girl’s names were written on pieces of paper and inserted into jars. Each boy then drew a girl’s name from the jar and they were partners throughout the Festival. On the Feast of Lupercalia was celebrated, also the feast of Pan, a pagan deity (who instills panic) some riotous celebrations, also associated with Aphrodite, the goddess of love and beauty (simply, a deity of petty desires) - worshiping them with a cult. It is proved that the feasts were celebrated with orgies and often culminating with sacrifices humans, attested in Latin and Greek writings. 

vineri, 8 februarie 2013


It is already not surprising that some public leaders of the Republic of Moldova come on the scene, any time an occasion appears, to bring accusations and offences to the Orthodox Church in Moldova. We will further present you some activists involved in this betrayal act of authentic romanianism by denigrating our Ancestral Faith.

We will start by the Thursday issue, September 8, 2005 of the publication “Literatura si arta” (Literature and Art). Making praise to “the Metropolitan Antonie”, the editor of the weekly – Mr. Nicolae Dabija, surprises us by his knowledge of recent history and not only. For example “while he was delivering his speech (the Metropolitan Antonie – author comment), a group of students from the Faculty of Theology in Chisinau, stood up from their places and have demonstratively left the audience. It was the beginning of 1991, long before the reactivation of Metropolitanate of Basarabia. I was ashamed of those “guttersnipes in cassocks” says the authors, avoiding to mention that in 1991 the rector of this institution was Petru Buburuz – one of the today leaders of the “Metropolitanate of Basarabia”. I would also like to ask with all the respect where did Mr. Dabija hear that Moldovan or Russian priests “intoxicate them with arguments of the “the Romanian church is foreign to our nation; our church is those of all Russians.” kind. I am sorry to say that Mr. Dabija lies with boldness.