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joi, 27 februarie 2014

Nozioni elementari sullo stile del calendario

Un tema spesso affrontato nella pubblicistica moldava e, purtroppo, molte volte trascurato dalle autorità ecclesiastiche sulla sponda destra del Prut, è quello delle differenze relative alla celebrazione delle feste religiose. Cerchiamo qui di seguito, in breve, di chiarire alcuni aspetti di questo problema che non sono state, a nostro avviso, spiegate a sufficienza.

Che significato ha il calendario ecclesiastico?

Il termine calendario deriva dal latino kalendae – dal verbo greco che significa chiamare, convocare. Nei tempi antichi la parola designava i giorni in cui i cittadini romani erano chiamati ad alcuni incontri pubblici all’interno del foro, dove prendevano atto di fatto di interesse pubblico. In senso religioso, il calendario denota i periodi di tempo in cui le persone sono invitate a comunicare con Dio – il Creatore del mondo. Questi periodi di tempo sono stati e sono calcolati con rigorosi criteri scritturali e astronomici.

duminică, 2 februarie 2014


Alteration of the future – malefic impact on the young people of Moldova
(See part I)

Mankurtism is not limited only by the nefarious practices of lawbreakers. It stretches its sticky tentacles beyond the boundaries of all reasonable expectation infecting and eroding not only the memory of our nation that is its antecedents but also the future being built by the young generation through the education.

The new school year is approaching. Problems created by the introduction of so - called subjects as „Istoria Integrata” (“Integrated History”) or „Deprinderi de Viaţă” (“Life – Skills”) to school curriculum and program of study are still fresh in students’ as well as teachers’ memory. Our dearest governors as well as parliamentarists created an abyss between them and the rest of the existent world. This is abundantly proved by their persistent contribution with respect to the introduction of the so – called school subjects. As it was observed, opposition among teachers and students on the one part and the responsibilities in the administration of METS (Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports) on the other part had attempted successfully to influence the results of the final exams. Who was to suffer? Victims of the bureaucratic revenge were the same students who had experienced aberrant changes in the timetable and the subject of the lessons during their studies in the course of the year.

vineri, 10 ianuarie 2014

”Christian values” in Moldovan mass-media


Even if in the dictionary more than 17 explanations of the term „value” are indicated, as religious word, most of the times, we can not find a suitable explanation.  Such things can be explained very easily if to take into account the Church teaching about the end of time, end of world.

Unfortunately, as it can be seen, there is predominance of economical values. The negative influence of this is mainly on morality of our contemporary people, followed by the so-called “generally-human”, with the Christian values left at the last level. Even the 2 last shall make only one; there is a tendency to make difference between them, especially, in the intellectual circles. Such differences are proliferated into society by mass-media. So, now, it is difficult for the people to choose among the values that are truly positive and non-value.  By this mean, in our country, and also in the world is noticed an acute devaluation of spiritual goods, a fact that leads to disappearance of this goods.

sâmbătă, 16 noiembrie 2013


«Многажды побеждённые, много раз подчинённые, но никогда не склонённые до земли и никогда не лишённые надежды, глядим мы (на предводителей), начиная от 1366 и по 1688 год, опираясь на них во всех наших делах, чтобы очиститься в борьбе. Мирча чел Бэтрын, Влад Цепеш, Штефан чел Маре, Михай Витязул и Шербан Контакузино были, прежде всего, непримиримыми врагами сектантов Магомета, защищая кровью своею Святой Крест».

Так Михаил Когылничану, выступая 24 ноября 1843 года на открытии курсов Национальной Истории в Академии Михэйлене, напомнил молодым студентам о славных деяниях предков. По эту сторону Прута клад этот хранился в святости на протяжении долгих веков, продолжая сверкать по прошествии долгих времён и страданий. В первую очередь, благодаря православной вере, и во вторую очередь, благодаря патриотизму, которые, вместе взятые, образуют саму основу национального единства румын.

joi, 26 septembrie 2013


(Notă: articol original publicat 
în data de 12 aprilie 2006)

Cu toţii am fost cîndva tineri. Unii continuă să fie tineri sufleteşte iar alţii din tinereţe devin mult mai maturi decît par. Pentru orice ţară, generaţia tînără reprezintă speranţa de viitor. Atît cît se investeşte în tineret tot atît şi se obţine.

La noi în ţară, în cadrul societăţii post-sovietice, de vreo zece ani s-au format nişte centre, putînd fi comparate doar cu nişte caste, care cumulează în jur lor politicieni, ziarişti, oameni de cultură, oameni de afaceri, oameni de ştiinţă şi chiar cadre teologice sau simpli muncitori pe de o parte iar pe de altă parte – tineretul. Între prima şi cea de a doua categorie de oameni, deşi se află în cadrul aceleiaşi societăţi, s-a format o prăpastie destul de mare. Procesele social-politice din ţară şi străinătate nu au rămas fără repercusiuni asupra tineretului, de altfel, sensibil la orice schimbări bruşte care se produc în urma intervenţiilor din interiorul şi exteriorul societăţii.

vineri, 15 martie 2013


The media in Republic of Moldova is to blame for advising the last 10-15 years the population to give a political character to the church. The mainstream media is filled with comments suggesting it. To some degree, the national short-sighted politics individuals attained their aim. A loud example is the increasing number of sects and heresies. As per this people the Orthodox Church is a communist institution, which they are set to transform into a democratic one of western structure.

Almost one century ago, the Bishop Nicholai Velimirovich was engaged in the solving of such problem. Besides his activity as a Bishop, during World War First we see him as diplomat of Serbia in England, besides the political and religious missions he was a lecturer at the Oxford University (as well received his PHD in philosophy at the university’s King’s College). Here is what thoughts this great Hierarch, who was recently canonized, offers on the Christian community life:

luni, 4 martie 2013


While at the Cathedral “Naşterea Domnului” (the Nativity of Our Lord Jesus Christ) on the eve of the Dormition of the Mother of God has begin the Vigils, the counters in the middle of Chisinau, ignoring the fasting to end in few hours, has been busy with sale of all sort of delicious meats and dairy products.

At the Cathedral began the Vespers, while in the Square the blind demon of joy started to yell with a power of thousands of watts.